The Source Water Collaborative is hosting a webinar in early April to help local leaders access federal funds for local water stewardship.
The SWC webinar, April 10, 2024, from 2:30 – 4:00pm (eastern time), is “Demystifying How to Access Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funds for Source Water Protection and Natural Infrastructure.“ It is the second webinar in the SWC BIL Webinar Series. This webinar will showcase the wide array of technical assistance (TA) available to help eligible partners develop project plans and application materials to access funding for source water protection, including through the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs). Attendees will learn how to request TA support and hear about case studies from the New England Environmental Finance Center. This funding will deliver long term environmental and public health benefits, particularly to small, underserved, and/or disadvantaged communities.
Later in April the SW PA Water Network and partners are hosting a local water infrastructure financing workshop in Butler County that will bring more local information to bear on financing water stewardship. Register now and stay tuned for more details in the week ahead.
States, water utilities, source water protection staff, state SRF funding program staff, municipal officials, source water collaboratives, federal agencies, watershed groups, and other water stakeholders are encouraged to attend both of these workshops. There is no cost to participate.
Please share this information with your colleagues and anyone you know that is associated with water agencies of all sorts!