From A to C: The Connection Between Agriculture and Conservation with Senator Bob Casey

The Farm Bill, which remains delayed in Congress, presents an incredible opportunity to include investments in conservation practices that address a spectrum of issues, ranging from mitigating runoff pollution to carbon sequestration.

A coalition of organizations have come together to convene a comprehensive discussion with Senator Bob Casey on the intricate connection between conservation and agriculture in Pennsylvania.  The session will explore the impact of the Farm Bill on local conservation efforts, review climate-smart agricultural practices and programs, and gain insights into the latest developments on Capitol Hill.

What: From A to C: The Connection Between Agriculture and Conservation with Senator Bob Casey
When: Tuesday, March 12 at 12:15 pm
Where: On Zoom!
Register here
Hosted by: Conservation Voters of PA, PennFuture, Climate Action Team, Clean Water Action, League of Conservation Voters, Bucks County Foodshed Alliance